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  • Find a job posting
  • Start your own business
  • Winning resume and interviews
  • Online resources for professionals

How to Search for Work

Getting Ready for Work: Job finding clubs, day planners, information about networking and career fairs, agencies and employment counselling services and/or products that help individuals prepare for the work search, make cold calls, and prepare a portfolio.

Resume / Cover Letter / Portfolio: Templates, 'how to' guidelines, instructional workshops, do's and don'ts, and examples of the different resume formats for both print and electronic resumes.

Interviews: Information about the interview process, different types of interviews, how to research and prepare for the interview, do's and don'ts, and sample questions and answers.


Job Opportunities: Job postings including job banks as well as job postings displayed in print media (newspapers, magazines, trade journals).

Organizations / Companies: Public companies, private companies and non-profits that have their own job board or 'careers and employment' section that lists current job opportunities within the organization. May also include abbreviated job descriptions specific to that company.

Student Jobs: Job postings (summer, part time, full time) available to students who are either currently enrolled in school, returning to school or recent graduates.

Employment Agencies: Listings or directories of personnel agencies, headhunters and other placement agencies.

Directories of Employers: Lists of companies, organizations and/or government departments. Such directories may include contact information, company profiles, and may be presented by geographic region, business type, industry, etc.

Volunteering & Internships: Programs or opportunities (within Canada or abroad), paid and unpaid.

Working Outside Canada: Information about, and listings of, job opportunities available outside of Canada, for Canadians (short and long term, exchanges).

Self-Employment Options: Information on different types of self-employment, including telework, franchising, contracting, etc.

Business Tools & Supports

Business Plan: Information, examples and templates for preparing and writing a business plan.

Marketing: Information on promoting and advertising a business. Sites that help people understand how to market and advertise their business, service and /or product.

Legal & Tax Issues: Government and/or professional regulations regarding business licenses, zoning, taxes, registration, etc.

Contracts / Requests for Proposals (RFPs): Opportunities for self-employed individuals such as short-term projects or RFPs for defined tasks or contracts. *Does not include temporary or term positions.

Financing Your Business: Information and tools on grants, loans, incentives or subsidy programs available to start or expand a business.

Wage Assistance / Subsidy Programs: Programs that provide financial assistance to eligible employers (to help them hire staff) and/or provide paid work experience to eligible job seekers.

Human Resource Management: Information and tools to assist business owners / employers manage their staff and deal with Human Resource issues.

Additional Help: Information about, or listings of, organizations that support entrepreneurs and/or businesses. Examples: economic development agencies, governments, chambers of commerce, consumer journals, magazines, newsletters, e-zines, etc.

Financial Help

Employment Insurance: Guides for claimants and employers, information about eligibility, rates, application process, acts and regulations. Explanation of income benefits (regular, maternity, parental, sickness, transition) and re-employment benefits (targeted wage subsidies, self-employment assistance, job creation partnerships, earnings supplement, skills loans and grants).

Worker's Compensation: Information on employer responsibilities, including costs information, eligibility and benefits, income support, educational support, rehabilitation services.

Social Assistance / Child and Family: Information on programs that financially support children, families or individuals.

Retirement & Pension: Information on eligibility and benefits provided by pensions and related insurance plans.

Financing Your Business: Information and tools on grants, loans, incentives or subsidy programs available to start or expand a business.

Wage Assistance / Subsidy Programs: Programs that provide financial assistance to eligible employers (to help them hire staff) and/or provide paid work experience to eligible job seekers.


Rights & Responsibilities on the Job

Labour Relations: Policies, regulations and procedures for handling employer/employee relations in the workplace--conflict resolution, bargaining, pay equity, etc.

Unions & Labour Groups: Organisations that represent the rights of workers (work conditions, wages, support services), local and national labour organizations.

Occupational Health & Safety: Information pertaining to the workplace environment includes safety laws and regulations, hazardous materials, ergonomics, accommodating workers with disabilities, etc.

Employment Standards: Provides information on standards (work week, rate of overtime, holidays, etc.) that regulate both employers and employees.

Human Rights: Issues related to discrimination and harassment in the workplace.

Other Work Arrangements: Deals with non-traditional work arrangements such as job sharing, telework and flexible hours.

Accessing Community Support Services: Counselling services and programs (may include funding options) available to individuals who require assistance with issues that may affect their life/work (personal, family and health problems, childcare and eldercare).

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