Human Rights
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Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW)
This network promotes meaningful and equitable employment of people with disabilities. Job accommodation services (JAS), training, and consultation are among the services provided to people with disabilities and potential employers.
Canadian Ethnocultural Council (CEC)
Ensuring the preservation, enhancement and sharing of the cultural heritage of Canadians, the removal of barriers that prevent some people from participating fully and equally in society, the elimination of racism and the preservation of a united Canada.
Canadian Human Rights Commission
In this site, you can find information on employment equity and pay equity. You can also access various publications and news releases concerning human rights, and learn how to file a complaint concerning discrimination.
Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF)
This information sharing, research and public awareness organization aims to foster cross-cultural understanding and help to eliminate racism. Check out the collection of bibliographies, articles, and initiatives against racism.
Disability WebLinks
Access a range of government disability programs, services, initiatives and contacts across the country. Includes information on employment, education, financial support programs, personal supports, accessibility and rights.
DisAbled Women's Network Ontario
DAWN Ontario advocates for inclusion and equality for women with disabilities in Ontario. Links to web sites of Ontario disability organizations.
Human Resources Management (HRM) - Government of Canada
Small to medium-sized businesses can access information to help them manage staff and deal with HR issues. Employers can build business skills and make use of community resources, sector specific information and labour market statistics.
LinkUp Employment Services (Toronto)
At its centre in downtown Toronto, LinkUp helps persons with disabilities find jobs through many cross-disability programs: assessment of skills and abilities; employment consultants to help with job searching; workshops and seminars; presentations by businesses. Assessment of training needs and eligibility for grants.
Access a library of resources, events, and news bulletins related to workplace issues such as management, recruitment, compensation, and training.
Youth Canada - Government of Canada
This directory site provides a single access point for youth related information on the Internet. You will find topics relating to youth employment, education, and careers.