What is OnWIN? Why choose OnWIN?
Who chooses OnWIN?
Brief History
Board of Directors
What is Ontario WorkInfoNet?
Ontario workinfonet (OnWIN) is dedicated to providing employment and career information over the Internet. The OnWIN web site (www.onwin.ca) specializes in providing links to work- and career-related web sites in Ontario. We think it's the wave of the future ... you can use a computer to help find a job, choose a career, get training or improve your education. The OnWIN web site pulls it all together in one spot. OnWIN was formed as a non-profit corporation in January 1998. We have grown thanks to human and financial resources from the Ontario Ministries of Education, Training, Colleges and Universities, and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; Human Resources Development Canada, Ontario Region; and Canada workinfonet.ca. We work with these partners to help people in Ontario get faster and better access to job and career information.
Why choose OnWIN? Our web site features a searchable directory of links to over 2,000 web sites specializing in
employment and career information. They can help you:
- Find a job.
- Plan a career.
- Upgrade your education.
- Find training courses.
- Research the labour market.
If you've ever hunted for information on the Internet you know that you have to dig through many haystacks to find one needle. To speed up your hunt we've grouped our 2,000 links into seven categories (and many subcategories). We've chosen the best sites and classified them logically, so you can zero in on exactly what you need. In addition, our emphasis on local information helps Ontarians find work, career and learning opportunities in their own backyard.
Who chooses OnWIN?
Our users have a variety of reasons for hunting for information. Perhaps you are seeking workor specialized training. Or you might be an entrepreneur needing advice, a student looking for scholarships and loans, a career counsellor, or a researcher into labour market data. Whatever your information need, we hope you will continue to find Ontario workinfonet to be a valuable source.
Our goal is to make OnWIN the first place people go when looking for employment, career and labour market information which is specific to Ontario.
A brief history of Ontario WorkInfoNet
OnWIN got its start at a January 1998 meeting of Human Resource Development Canada (HRDC), Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), Canada workinfonet.ca (CanWIN) and others. They discussed the merits of building the Ontario arm of the pan-Canadian workinfonet system and agreed that:
- We needed urgently to rationalize the labour market information system in
Ontario to better meet the needs of users. - OnWIN would need to have a direct and visible impact at the community level.
- OnWIN could be developed cooperatively, building on work already done by
other forums and organizations. - We had to develop reliable information that would help the end user make
informed career decisions. OnWIN could serve as an important mechanism for
linking existing resources, and for identifying gaps in available
The proposal to form OnWIN was subsequently approved and provincial and federal funding was secured.
President - Mike Delfre