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Who do I want to become?

To help you answer the question “Who do I want to become?” the process guides you to:

  • identify the demands, rewards, and other features of various occupations you have explored, and reflect on the fit between those features and your personal characteristics;
  • based on the connections you identify, use a decision-making process to determine personal and interpersonal goals as well as education and career/life goals;
  • review and revise your goals in light of changes you recognize in yourself and in the opportunities that are available to you.

Click below to access a list of links related to this area of learning.

Who do I want to become?
This website promotes connections between prospective apprentices and employers. You will find videos and dedicated pages featuring different trades and general apprenticeship information in other languages
Link Career Options
Career Options magazine is a student resource that includes vital career tips from the experts, industry profiles, a career search section, co-op and internship information, and much more.
Link Employment Ontario - Apprenticeship
This is a comprehensive guide for people interested in the skilled trades. Find advice and resources for apprenticeships in Ontario.
Link Innovation Skills Profile - Conference Board of Canada
Comprehensive description of the skills needed to contribute to an organization’s innovation performance—to produce new and improved strategies, capabilities, products, process, and services.
Link iWIN
The Individual WorkinfoNet Portal web site for Ontario offers links from local organizations in your region. Find articles and local websites with workforce information relevant to your community.
Link Jobs People Do
This site offers over 600 job videos, job profiles, a free resume builder, career quizzes, campus life advice, relevant student articles and contests.
Link Labour Market Information
Data and analysis of trends in the labour market provide valuable insights into labour market conditions and trends in Ontario, as well as in specific regions or communities.
Link Ontario Job Futures
A publication which provides information on the current trends and future outlook for 190 occupations in demand in Ontario.
Link Ontario Skills Passport (OSP)
Check out the OSP occupational profiles to see how Essential Skills and work habits are used on the job in over 400 occupations as well as get labour market information.
Link OnWIN Career Planning Resources
Explore more Career Planning resources including Labour Market Information, occupations, industry sectors, trends and career services/programs.
Link What do I need to graduate?
Ministry of Education overview of the secondary school program plus detailed breakdowns of courses offered. Plus information on community involvement requirements and links to organizations offering volunteer activities.

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