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Academic Invest
This site helps solving affordability and job availability problems by creating awareness for students of potential career fields as well as current and upcoming opportunities within those fields. It is also a venue for information on available scholarships, grants, bursaries and awards to assist students with funding their education.
Purchase or sell your used college and university textbooks at this virtual marketplace.
Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS)
A national organization that comprises of over 8000 medical students pursuing their medical careers. The site offers essential information for people who want to pursue a Canadian medical education through the Pre-Med section.
Counselling & Disability Services - York University
They provide a range of services, including personal counselling, group development workshops, learning skills training, support and academic accommodation for students with learning, mental health, physical, sensory and medical disabilities.
Easter Seals Ontario
Easter Seals Ontario is a registered Canadian charity providing programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities, including: financial assistance for
Mobility equipment and communication devices, fully accessible summer camp, funding for participation in other recreational programs, post-secondary education scholarships, parent resources information and public education and awareness.
Easter Seals Ontario Post-Secondary Scholarships
Easter Seals Ontario is a registered Canadian charity providing programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities, including: financial assistance for
Mobility equipment and communication devices, fully accessible summer camp, funding for participation in other recreational programs, post-secondary education scholarships, parent resources information and public education and awareness.
Education Abroad
Study abroad with Educations.com - university and college study abroad educational programmes to suit every international student.
Education Matters - Statistics Canada
This bi-monthly online publication is a source of summary information on education, training and learning issues, as well as a key point of access to data and analytical output relating to education.
Education Network of Ontario (ENO)
Intranet for Ontario teachers (toll-free access) to solve problems and showcase work. Email, newsgroups and Internet access. Students can interact with identity protected. Involves half the primary and secondary teachers in Ontario. (MET and MEDTT.)
Exam Time
Looking to get better results for MCAT, LSAT, EQAO or college exams? This site features a study portals for tips, sample resources and tools to give you the edge.
Home Tutoring - Whizkids (Toronto)
Specializes in home tutoring for students from grade 3 to 12 in math, science, English, French and computer training. They also provide university students with tutoring in math. (Fees apply)
International Baccalaureate® (IB)
Four programmes for students aged 3 to 19 help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.
This Canadian centre for UNESCO's International Network on Technical and Vocational Education advocates technical and vocational education, and provides opportunities for Canadians to achieve and assume leadership in the field.