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Who am I?

To help you answer the question “Who am I?” the process guides you to do the following:

  • identify the characteristics that describe who you are (e.g., interests, strengths, intelligences, accomplishments, values, and skills, which include the Essential Skills and work habits described in the Ontario Skills Passport);
  • identify the factors that have shaped who you are and are likely to shape who you become over time;
  • reflect on how these characteristics influence your thoughts and actions, and how those thoughts and actions may in turn affect your development as a learner, your relationships and your education and career/life choices.

Click below to access a list of links related to this area of learning.

Who am I?
Link Enneagram Personality Type Indicator
Discover your personality type; it may help you to better understand yourself and your relationships.
Link Holland Code Quiz
Each question is an opportunity for you to describe the kinds of things you as a person can do, might like to do or the action that most fits you. Different assessments provide information on the relationship between job personalities and key characteristics, college majors, hobbies, abilities, and related careers.
Link iWIN
The Individual WorkinfoNet Portal web site for Ontario offers links from local organizations in your region. Find career centres in your region where you can assess your skills for future opportunities.
Link Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS)
Get a detailed snapshot of your interests and how they relate to the world of study and work.
Link Jung Typology Test
Identify your personality type with the Jung Typology Test™. Obtain your type description and discover which career choices and schools are the most suitable for your type.
Link Keirsey Temperament Sorter
A powerful 70 question personality instrument that helps individuals discover their personality type.
Link myBlueprint
Identify your learning style and discover secondary school courses and post-secondary options that match your interests. (Requires activation key from school)
Link Ontario Skills Passport (OSP)
Use the OSP videos to learn about Essential Skills and work habits and search for tasks that show how people use these skills in work, learning and life. Choose a self-assessment of your skills and compare your results with occupation(s) of interest.
Link OnWIN Career Planning Resources
Explore more Career Planning resources including Labour Market Information, occupations, industry sectors, trends and career services/programs.
Link SkillPlan - Measure Up
Find out what skills you have and use this information to help influence your career or learning choices.
Link SkillsZONE - Sample Activity Database
Use classroom activities that make explicit reference to Essential Skills, work habits and tasks from everyday life and the workplace to help learners connect what they are doing now to what they want to do in the future.

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