AP provides opportunities for motivated and prepared students to experience college-level courses while in high school, thereby fostering critical thinking and college persistence and success.
Eligible students can participate in apprenticeship training and college courses, earning dual credits that count towards their high school diploma and their postsecondary diploma, degree or apprenticeship certification.
This is the Ministry's main entry point for information on elementary and secondary education in Ontario. Includes information on curriculum, class size, school holidays, Special Education and other related topics.
Provides contact information for Ontario elementary and secondary schools and school boards. You can perform a simple search on school and board names or an advanced search that allows you to include city, language, level and type in your search criteria.
Lists contact information for all English and French elementary, secondary and intermediate public and catholic schools in Ontario. This list can also be sorted by city and/or type of school. Because of the number of schools, this list may take a while to download.
Find admission requirements, costs, programs and contact details for more than 700 Canadian universities and colleges. Search by keyword for programs, schools, careers and scholarships.