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What are my opportunities?

To help you answer the question “What are my opportunities?” the process guides you to:

  • explore the concept of “opportunity” and how the choices  you make can open pathways for you;
  • expand awareness of school-and community-based opportunities (e.g., recreational, social, leadership, volunteer, part-time employment) and how these programs/activities help develop skills and relationships;
  • explore a variety of fields of work, occupations, and careers, and develop awareness of the impact of local and global trends (e.g., demographic, technology, economic, social) on  the opportunities available to you;
  • investigate the preparation required for a variety of school-and community-based opportunities, occupations, and jobs (i.e. acquiring the necessary experience, education/training, and specific skills, including the Essential Skills and work habits documented in the OSP) and how this preparation can be obtained.

Click below to access a list of links related to this area of learning.

What are my opportunities?
Link Aboriginal Institutes
Find out about resources and opportunities for study in Ontario. Includes a list of aboriginal programs and institutes.
Link Choose a Career
Find out how a postsecondary education may be right for you.
Link Cooperative Education
Cooperative education programs allow students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement related to a course in any subject.
Link Do I Want to be My Own Boss? - Government of Canada
Find out if self-employment is right for you, get tips on how to get started and guidance on how to develop a business plan.
Link Dual Credit Program - Ontario
Eligible students can participate in apprenticeship training and college courses, earning dual credits that count towards their high school diploma and their postsecondary diploma, degree or apprenticeship certification.
Link Ellis Chart
In excess of 300 apprenticeable trades are found in this comparative chart of apprentice training programs across Canada.
Link Employment Ontario
Employment Ontario is a web portal designed to help you get the training, skills and experience to achieve your goals.
Link Experiential Learning
Experiential learning opportunities are planned learning experiences which take place in the community such as job shadowing and job twinning, work experience and virtual work experience, and cooperative education. Experiential learning can assist you if you are bound for university, college, apprenticeship, or the workplace, in making career decisions as well as in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are essential in today’s society.
Link International Opportunities – Canada Youth
Are you planning to travel outside of Canada for adventure, studies or work? Need some help getting organized? This website from the Government of Canada can help you to prepare for your trip, regardless of your destination or purpose.
Link iWIN
The Individual WorkinfoNet Portal web site for Ontario offers links from local organizations in your region. You will find lists of organizations where you can volunteer in your community.
Link Ontario Job Futures
A publication which provides information on the current trends and future outlook for 190 occupations in demand in Ontario.
Link Ontario Skills Passport (OSP)
Use the OSP Work Plan and other OSP resources and tools to help you build and document your Essential Skills and work habits in classroom, co-operative education and other experiential learning, Community Involvement, volunteer and extracurricular activities.
Link Ontario Volunteer Centre Network (OVCN)
This site features an online map of Ontario to search for Volunteer Centres near you.
Link Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
Ontario high school students can begin their training as apprentices while enrolled in secondary school. Complete your high school diploma and also get apprenticeship training towards certification or journeyperson status in a skilled trade.
Link OnWIN Career Planning Resources
Explore more Career Planning resources including Labour Market Information, occupations, industry sectors, trends and career services/programs.
Link Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM)
The SHSM is a ministry-approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and assists in their transition from secondary school to apprenticeship training, college, university, or the workplace.
Link Student Life Expo
Canada’s largest post-secondary education and lifestyle event for high school students.

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