As a Summer Company entrepreneur, you?ll receive hands-on business coaching and mentoring from local community business leaders who will help make your Summer Company a success. If your application is accepted, you will be eligible to receive up to $1,500 to put toward start-up costs and up to $1,500 upon successful completion of the program.
Information of interest to new and established entrepreneurs includes, government programs, services and regulations on starting and operating a business in Ontario.
At three Toronto locations the Toronto Economic Development Office offers services for Toronto's entrepreneurs and small businesses -- business consultation, registration, licensing, key business information.
To help you make informed decisions about careers, education, employment and/or business plans, the Ontario Government provides: Ontario monthly, regional and annual labour market reports; economic updates; and Ontario's population and demographic information.
An informative web site that includes articles and information under these headings: Financing Q & A; Year 2000 Information; Guide to Writing a Business Plan; Guide to Exporting; Managing Human Resources; and more.
Make A Change Canada/Faire un Changement Canada is a federally incorporated charitable organization accredited under the Imagine Canada Standards Program. We develop and deliver business start-up and web technology training to people facing challenges to employment. Our programs and services are available online across Canada.